(Social Welfare Section)
Application for various posts under Female Vagrants' Home, Uttarpara, Hooghly

Online Application Form

Application for the post of *
Name (in Block letters) * (minimum 4 chars)
Note 1: Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate.
Note 2: Please do not use any prefix such as Mr. or Ms. etc.
Father's/Husband's Name * (minimum 4 chars.)
Category *
Physically Challenged? *
Address *
State *
District *
Block/ Municipality *
Vill./Street * (mimimum 5 chars)
P.O. * (mimimum 3 chars)
P.S. * (mimimum 3 chars)
PIN Code * (only 6 digit number)
COMMUNICATION ADDRESS Same as Residential Address
State *
District * (mimimum 5 chars)
Block/ Municipality * (mimimum 3 chars)
Vill./Street * (mimimum 5 chars)
P.O. * (mimimum 3 chars)
P.S. * (mimimum 3 chars)
PIN Code * (only 6 digit number)
Mobile No.* (only 10 digit number)
Date of Birth*
[Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate]
Age as on 01/01/2022:
Sex *
Marital Status *
Language Known: * English: Read   Write   Speak
Bengali: Read   Write   Speak
Other Language: Read   Write   Speak
Photo Upload: * jpg format(min 10 KB & 20 Kb max.) Size: Height- 128px Width-99px
Signature Upload:* jpg format(min 10 KB & 20 Kb max.) Size: Height- 50px Width-200px
Upload Age proof certificate:* jpg format(min 50 KB & 100 Kb max.)
Upload copy of Marksheet/ Pass certificate of the minimum qualification required (as per the post mentioned in the Advertisement):* jpg format(min 50 KB & 100 Kb max.)

Academic and other Qualification: *
Select Option Board/University/ Institute
Examination/ Course Passed Year of Pass Total Marks Marks Obtained
(Keep blank if
marks not available
in grade card)
CGPA/ % (e.g. 99.0) /
Madhyamik or equiv.
Higher Secondary or equiv.
Diploma/Degree in Pharmacy
Diploma/Degree in Social Work
Training in Basic Education and Adult Education
Certificate in Weaving/ Tailoring from recognized institution
Diploma/Degree in Music

Work Experience *:
  (Please add row for entering more experience - maximum three rows)
Name of the organization
Designation /
Post Held
Reason for leaving the
Date of Joining
Date of Leaving
(dd/mm/yyyy) (Enter current date for currently working)
Total Experience
(in Months)
Delete Row
Upload copy of Experience certificate(s) as a single PDF file:* mandatory for experienced person (min 50 KB & 250 Kb max.)
Security Code*
(*) - Star marked fields are essentially to be filled by the candidate.
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